Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3 summer beauty tips

Summer is coming and you should prepare yourself to go into severe beauty shock. Usually its the day that you first realize you have to wear shorts or a swimsuit. Look at my legs, yikes! Here are a few quick tips for getting into those shorts for summer.

Hair removal

Part of looking youthful and beautiful is having a sleek body. The most important thing here is to clean up your errant hair. Nothing will cheer you up more than having clean skin that is free of hair. Be sure to tweeze or wax eyebrows into a shapely arch and go to the salon for professional shaping if you need it. A cleaned up brow will make you look younger. In addition, you'll want to rid your face and body of all excess hair. Get a good razer and cream then use it. If you lag on shaving then consider getting wax treatments at regular intervals to remove the hair. Laser hair removal is a great investment as well. After a few laser treatments your hair will grow in softer and you can eliminate the stubble.

Solid colors

Solid colors are slenderizing. If you have jiggle, bounce and bobble to your body you can look ten pounds thinner with a few optical illusions. For one thing, wearing solid colors will make you look thinner. Loud patterns and clashing patterns tend to make you look heavier.

When choosing solid colors you don't have to go all black. Jewel tones that are rich in color look great on a body and will slim you down. Keep your summer outfits clean, simple and classic. If you avoid loud prints and patterns you will look substantially thinner. Keep lines sleek and clutter free. Make sure clothes are simple and do a mirror check before leaving the house.

Fake tan

Getting tan is so foolish. You might be tempted to run to the beach with friends and think oh no I won't burn, but you will. If you haven't been in the sun and then sit at the beach all day you will fry. A sun burn is your body telling you that your skin has been hurt. I would wear sunscreen outside religiously to prevent the sun from harming your skin. The suns rays will age you too quickly and make your skin leathery. Wear sunscreen instead.

If you envy the girls with the perfect tans then you should invest in the slow building fake tan creams. They don't cost much and you can try the cheaper brands such as Jergens. If you can't stand the application and smell then you could pay for a fake tan at the tanning salon. Go fake tan and avoid the tanning beds as they are way too dangerous. In a quick pinch you can spray on a colored tan out of a mist bottle. The popular instant spray on color is Sally Hansens brand.

Be sure to visit other blogs in my network Secrets for Beauty. Beauty Secrets over 40. Natural Beauty and Goddesses. How to look good in a swimsuit. Secrets for Beauty. Links to celebrity gossips sites. texting and relationships.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I picked out my alltime favorite online swimsuit stores. Of course I love VS (Victoria's Secret) Swim but there are also other really cute swimsuit shops including Venus, Beach Bunny Swimwear, Butterflies and Bikinis, Couture Candy, Doll Swimwear, Elite Fashion Swimwear, Molly Brown Swimwear, Plush Swimwear, South Beach Swimsuits, Ujena Swimwear, VENUS Swimwear, Tropical Beach Fashion, Cynababy and New Swimwear Shop. Visit my site Swimsuit Secret for advice on how to buy a bikini and where to shop for swimsuits

Buttock Implant Surgery

As you age have you noticed that your derriere is dropping? Guess what, the new plastic surgery procedure in town is the brazilian lift. This is where they do liposuction on you and transfer fat to your derreiere. The fat may not stay for ever but the combination of removing it from unwanted areas and adding it to places that need plumping is all the rage.

If you have no fat to take from and are looking for a permanent enhancement solution for your derriere then consider glute implants. While most plastic surgeons shy away from gluteal implants some doctors are making it their specialty. As we go into 2012 and beyond gluteal implants will become more popular no doubt. In ten years from now they may just be as common as breast augmentation surgery.

Buyer beware though as silicon gluteal implants are known to have a very high rate of complications, even more so than breast augmentation. Infection due to the delicate location of the implants, and shifting of the implants due to the movement of that part of the body make most cosmetic surgeons leery of doing the implants. The surgery is way more popular in Brazil where the rear end is a key compoment of percieved beauty. It's definitely taking hold in the states now though.

Visit my beauty site for women over forty for more information on buttock implant surgery and breast augmentation surgery.

Celebrity and Supermodel Beauty Secrets

Do you want to read how supermodels and the most gorgeous famous actresses and models stay beautiful? I've compiled a fantastic beauty secret web site called Secrets for Beauty. I've compiled beauty secrets on the worlds most beautiful women! If you want to know what the models use on their hair, what their favorite makeup and makeup brands are, and what they do for an exercise routine and diet then definitely visit this site on beauty secrets for women.

Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures

Are you into beauty and celebrity gossip? You'll love my new site about celebrity plastic surgery and best gossip sites! I decided to compile a list of my favorite plastic surgery and celebrity gossip web sites. It gives you convenient links to all of the crazy celeb sites that are fun to surf on the web. You can look at some really crazy pictures of Hollywood plastic surgery on some of these blogs. Unbelievable!

Free makeovers! Free online makevers offered for women! Get free beauty tips!

Do you want a free makeover? If you are looking for a free makeover we are offering free digital makeovers now. Come visit Makeovers and get a free makeover. We'll digitally enhance your photograph and give you free makeup tips so that you look younger and gorgeous!

Are you beautiful, single and ready to mingle? Read my tips for women on internet dating and Texting

If you are look'n for love be sure to read my advice site on texting. Texting plays a big role in relationships these days. Once you get yourself beautiful and looking hot be sure to visit my can't stop texting dating advice site!